Thursday 4 April 2013

Zahra's 5 links related to FF

Beyond the Gates


This movie shows the start of the genocide in Rwanda in April 1994 the Hutu President of Rwanda airplane is crushed which resulted in death of the president.The Hutu accused the Tutsi and start to revenge for their president death by slaughter the Tutsi population. The main characters in the moviea young idealistic English teacher Joe Connor and Catholic priest  Christopher find themselves helping over two thousands and five hundred refugee of Tutsi . Joe and Christopher must choose between staying with the refugee who face the danger of been massacred any time or flee to a safety it’s the same choose that Paul Rusesabagina have to go through to save his family both  movie based on true story .
The Killing Field

Again this movie is also about the civil war in Cambodian which resulted in execution of  1,386,734 victims. The movie is based on the experiences of two journalists an American Sydney Schanberg , Cambodian Dith Pran the movie based on true story.

Schindler’s list

The name of the movie is taken from the main character surname Oskar Schindler  who was a German businessman, when he sees how the Nazi reign target the Jews he  turn his factory into a refuge. The film shows how the greedy arrogant businessman become humanitarian and manage to save 1100 Jews from being gassed at the Auschwitz concentration camp , based on true story


A Bright Shining Lie

The movie is about John Paul Vann  an ambitious military man who sees been sent to Vietnam as a steep stone to promotion till he finds out how the war is being run, its shows how Vann have to make the difficult choice between right and wrong  based on true story.

Black Hawk Down  
This is a different story it’s about the special force 123 elite U.S. soldiers, which been sent to Somalia to capture two of the warlord , I choose this movie because it shows how the U.S send a special force when there is an interest. Great movie though

Sunday 31 March 2013

Rose's Final Fan Fiction

Old boy is owned by Show East and Egg Films. All the copy rights associated with Oldboy and the Vengeance Trilogy belong to them. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is owned by Steig Llarsson and Norstedts Forlag. All the copy rights associated The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the Millennium Series belong to them. Only the ideas contained within the story are the property with the author. No profit is being earned by the writer of this story.

This Adultfic is rated R, it contains themes and scenes of violence.

This story will be focused towards the end of the movie, where Daesu finds out why he was imprisoned and finally visits Woojin in his penthouse. He's accompanied by Lisbeth, there they search for answers and uncover the truth about Woojin. As they  find out what they've been looking for, a sudden  turn of events lead them into something twisted.


It was dusk by the time they arrived. Daesu stood there and stared up at the complex, the hammer felt warm in his hand, the one possession he knew would help him find her. He turned towards Lisbeth, her pale face covered in studs with the same cold expression she had the day he met her.
“Are you sure this is it?” he said.
“Yes” she replied with a tone of emergency in her voice.
“What floor?”
“Forty One…” Turning briskly he rounded the corner with her in tow, and stormed towards the foyer. They made their way towards the elevators, oblivious to the calls from the security guard on duty. They stood there waiting, and stared at the group of oncoming residents, who scattered at the unlikely sight before them.
He stared blank at the doors, with his bloodied suit, his hair and face dishevelled. “Which one, Lisbeth”
“Take the lift, it’ll take us to him” She had the brief case with her and knew what was coming around the corner.  
They made their way up towards the penthouse. He needed answers and Woo Jin had them all. He had waited fifteen years for this moment with his tormentor. Tonight he was going to feel the brunt of his hammer, but not before he gave them what they were looking for.

The elevator doors opened, they could see a silhouette, a tall figure staring out towards the sky line. He turned and made his way towards them. They were greeted by the sounds of clapping. Clap, clap, clap “So the beast has finally made his way back to his master.” The smile on his face widened as he saw Lisbeth, he stopped short “Oh…and who do we have here? The beast has brought a friend.”
Daesu glared at the man before him. “Hey dick shit, I know why you put me in there. I ran my mouth. Those rumours killed your sister. I tore apart your family. Is that it?” His temper started rising. “Was that your fucking  revenge? To lock me up” The clapping continued.
In a stone cold voice he spoke again. “What have you done with my daughter? Where’s my daughter?” Clap, clap, clap. He couldn’t restrain himself. He ran at him with his hammer…
It had been fifteen years since he was kidnapped. Fifteen years since his life fell apart. He remembers the day vividly, it was his daughters 5th birthday. For no apparent reason he was kidnapped and imprisoned in a private facility. Here he lived as a captive and watched his life deteriorate before him. 

Within the first year, he was set up for killing his wife. If he had known there was going to be fifteen more years, would it have been easier? Why? Who? Questions ran through Daesu’s head. He deserved an answer, one way or the other he was going to get them tonight with the help of Lisbeth. They had both tracked him down.
He had met her online, while trying to hack through security files of Woo Jin. She was going to help Daesu. She introduced herself as a private investigator, looking into the corrupt business ventures of Woo Jin. So far she had uncovered an underground human trafficking ring involving missing prostitutes. The same prostitutes whose tortured bodies were showing up dead around the city. She knew he was behind this operation, no matter what, she was going to bring his empire down…

Daesu swung the hammer across at Woo Jin missing his temple and hair line. He turned and looked at Lisbeth, fury running through his eyes, “Hold him down”. Without any warning she came at Woo Jin with a Taser gun. 50 volts surged through his body, he froze stiff and collapsed like a falling tree. Daesu moved swiftly and tied his limp body to a chair. He turned and watched as she made her way towards the desk by the window. “I’ll need to take a look at his files, the girls must be kept nearby”. She turned on the computer and saw the surveillance monitors turned on. She looked closer at the monitor, it was pitch black and she couldn’t make out the images. “What is this?”
The sound of a stir startled them both, he spun and made his way towards Woo Jin. “Open the case he’s coming around”. Daesu watched as Lisbeth casually opened the case and took out the dentist retractor. “Now, I’m going to ask you again” he watched as she pulled apart his mouth and separated his cheeks. She handed the clamp to him and nodded. He sat across Woo Jin and spoke in a low voice “Where. Is. She?” Suddenly the phone rang, the sound ringing across the penthouse. He turned his head toward Lisbeth eyes fixed intently on Woo Jin “Answer it”.

This must be Blomkvist, she was expecting the call from him. She was helping Daesu find his daughter “Hello, Blomkvist”
“Lisbeth, he wants him there, it’s a setup!”
“What Is?” Did he manage to find her, she must be alive.
“I looked into his past, his daughter she’s alive. I tracked her down but she’s been missing for the past two weeks. Word on the street is she’s been working as a prostitute. Under the same pimp as the dead missing girls. Two weeks Lisbeth that’s exactly the same time Daesu was released…Lisbeth there must be a reason why Woojin’s led him there…”
She stared at Woo Jin and watched as his eyes became wider, a look of amusement written across his face. She didn’t like it, not one bit. She could hear Blomkvist on the line “Lisbeth are you there?” Some things up, she stared at him as she tried to piece together the puzzle. It hit her. “What have you done with her?” She said aloud. She dropped the phone and the line went dead.
“What did Blomkvist say?” Daesu interjected, he was alarmed by the tone in her voice. She repeated the question again this time grabbing the clamp off Daesu. Her face inches away from Woo Jin, “What have you done with her”.
“Aaha, ha, ha, ha, haa”. The sound of his sickening laugh echoed across the room. With his mouth spread wide open, and his eyes wide with the look of delight on his face. Daesu intervened and grabbed her by the collar “Lisbeth! What did he say?”

He picked up his hammer. “She’s here. She’s been missing. He knows, he knows where…” The words were coming out faster then she realised. “Daesu the girls. She’s a prostitute. He’s got her”. It hit him hard, he isn’t finished. This is all a part of his revenge; the noise became louder as Woo Jin started shaking in fits of laughter. Daesu realised the kind of sick bastard he was dealing with, Woo Jin was going to kill every woman he ever loved and his beloved daughter was no exception.

“Where. Is. She?” The hammer came down hard on Woo Jin’s face tearing apart his cheek bone. Woo Jin fell backwards, sprawled out onto the floor, his binds coming undone.
“Fucking. Tell me!” He slammed it down hard again this time crushing his collar bone.
Daesu enraged by the news of his daughter, charged again towards Woo Jin.  Woo Jin twisted and crawled his way towards the desk, his hand shaking in the direction of the monitor, leaving a trail of blood along the floor. Lisbeth couldn’t help but notice the blank monitor coming to life. She could see what appeared to be an underground dungeon. Daesu slipped on the blood covered floor as he tried one more time, to pound Woo Jin with his hammer.
Lisbeth looked closer at the monitor and saw the images that came to view. It showed a girl tied to a surgical bed and what looked like a man by her side with a hacksaw.  The girls, Lisbeth knew she had found them. The look of shock covers her face as she barely manages to yell out. “Daesu. Stop!”

Daesu raised his hammer mid-air, and looked towards the screen. Woo Jin sprawled out on the floor points at the monitor, face gaping with his bloodied wound. He stares at Daesu, the look of amusement on his eyes piercing through his blood soaked face. 
The screaming, where was it coming from, the screaming became louder and louder as it echoed across the penthouse and mixed with the sickening laughter from Woo Jin.
That's when he saw it. Daesu stared intently at the screen, his mouth dropped at the sight of his daughter before him. “It. Can’t. Be”

To be continued…


Rose's 5 Fan Fiction Links

Five Fan Fiction sites
Well I actually found it quite challenging to try and find some links related directly with the movie, Oldboy. Instead I opted to focus my research on the themes covered during the Fan Fiction. Which were violence, thriller and revenge. I did however found it easier to find links associated with my cross over character, Lisbeth, from The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. This allowed me to open my approach with the story line.

Here are some links for my Fan Fiction I've recovered
This is a Fan Fiction on Lisbeth and the support Blomkvist. This fan fiction in particular deals with the two main characters from the Millennium Series, on a romantic level. It was actually quite interesting to read given that the writer describes Lisbeth in a normal way. It allowed me to do the same with my Fan Fiction, because then I didn't have to describe her in such an extreme anti-social manner, so much that her character wouldn't flow cohesively with the story line. I integrated her character into my Fan Fiction by giving her a purpose or reason so that her actions corelated with the theme. Which was revenge in a thriller setting.

So this fan fiction was written with the theme of Oldboy in mind. The theme vengeance is actually incorporated into the fan fiction. So the scenes draw back to the past. In that way it gives a biography of the characters and how they came to together. I liked how the writer used revenge to draw the characters back into the present. This helped a lot because the scene I was writing on was based towards the end of the film. So in order to understand the characters a draw back to their past was needed. How this Fan Fiction was constructed helped me when referring in my Fan Fiction to Daesu's past.

This is actually a series of fan fiction based on The Chaser. A Korean Thriller which deals with a lot of grotesque violence. The violence is actually on par with what you see from the Vengeance trilogy and the Millennium Series. The twists within this story actually influenced my story line, so much that I continued with a lot of suspense through out my Fan Fiction. Suspense was vital in this movie and the story lines used in the movie The Chaser and my Fan Fiction.

The Hostel deals with a lot of torture. Its great how the writer manages to base the fan fiction primarily on the characters and use the theme ‘torture’ as a tool of suspense. Rather than have the whole story build towards that one scene on torture. It helped me focus more on the twist rather than the violence. Through out the movie the actual torture wasn't the main aspect. It was the characters. I implied the same stance when writing my Fan Fiction. Yes there is violence and torture, but it didn't play a major part in my Fan Fiction.

This site actually refers to the characters and gives a broad description on their characteristics. The themes are also mentioned. So its a helpful insight on the characterization. It's useful when you need to know the story in detail. It's especially helpful when understanding why the main character has come to be like that. So it allowed me to understand why Daesu acted in a violent manner. It also supports his behavior through out the story line. This has made it easier for me to write about the torture scene, because isn't doing it for fun, he's doing it because of revenge and his traumatizing past.

Saturday 30 March 2013

Max's links

I literally couldn't find any links on the internet for other peoples' Natural Born Killers fanfics, so I've found a few from similar-ish movies, and some that use similar-ish ideas to me, mainly I wanted to write about something that wasn't shown at all in the movie and some of these are similar.
This is a fanfic of the movie Reservoir Dogs except a child is involved in the job replacing one of the men. It is a pretty out-there concept, quite a high-risk job for a little girl for those who have seen the movie, but it was still an interesting read to see how the author worked such a crazy idea in to the story line. It's told from the child's P.O.V which was good as the author used 'young' language throughout which provided a nice contrast between characters. This helped in the sense that I really wanted to express how Mickey is a ruthless killer, but also hopelessly in love.
This is a fanfic of the film Inglorious Basterds it comprises 4 chapters and deals with the idea that someone in "the bar shootout" survives and the consequential drama. This helped me because it threw the entire storyline out of sync with the original. Although i chose not to alter any part of the main storyline of Natural Born Killers it helped me grasp the idea that it's very possible for a fanfic to keep in character without (or with) changing the storyline.
This is a fanfic of the movie Pulp fiction which interested me because it deals with a character outside the context of the movie, in this case before the movie takes place. It helped me a lot with getting inside my characters' heads because I love the movie and know the characters so well, it showed a different person's perspective on the character which gave me inspiration to develop characters that had already been given a personality.
This is for the movie Apocalypse Now. What interested me about this is it is actually a poem inspired by a character's point of view during a specific scene. It was a change from reading the stories and was good inspiration for not staying within the 'square'. The fact that it was a poem showed me that really there aren't many boundaries within fanfictions and that it's really up to you what you do with the story as long as it relates.
This is a fanfic for Taxi Driver. What i liked about this one was it was set later than the actual film so it gave a sense of taking characters we are already familiar with and putting them in a supposed foreign territory which is what I wanted to do with mine as I'm doing a scene that wasn't actually included in the film.

Stefs links for FF

5 links for FAN FICTION 

 I was interested in reading as many diffrent types of fan fiction as it helped me get creative. Rather than linking this that go driectly hand in hand with my FF i choose to just go with interesting Fan Fiction pieces that would inspire me to write rather than me copying any work or feeling as though my FF is too similar.

Below are some interesting FF links to Taken (2008)
This one i found to be helpful as is was a flash foward. i my self was wanting to do a flash foward so it was an interesting and (extreme) take to have but none the less very entertaining
A longer FF piece but a good imagination on the turn of event between kim being kidnapped and her dad trying ot save her.
This is come from Bryans point of veiw with is super helpful as my ff piece all from Bryan
This is the twitter page for the movie taken and i felt is was helpful to visit on here and be up to date with the postings. Especially that this is a way that fans communicate their ideas on the move and/or post links up themselves
This is the tumblr site for taken. It was perfect for gathering images and also just brain storming seeing what the audience liked most about the film etc and that was i could work my own ff to what is/was most popular in the movie



Bryan Never managed to save his daughter Kim. He has spent the last 11 months over in Europe (Paris) refusing to go home until he returns with his daughter. As we know the police are corrupt and involved with the sex slave trafficking ring and Bryan has also realized this, which has made him a problem to have around while he is looking for his daughter. French police alongside Lenore and her husband force Bryan to come home as they think he is 'not well' and the whole thing has got to him far too much. Bryan is now back in USA fighting his own demons - Enjoy :) 

I lie there not knowing weather to seal my eyelids shut forever, contemplating weather my time has come now. The sickening hole in my stomach knots yet again as I face my ongoing reality. I lay completely still, almost dead, feeling as if I was in back there, right there again.
Her innocent, scared, pale face vividly painted right in front of me as a hallucination. I had her, I had here right there. Right there in fucking front of me! How could I have not saved her? I feel the tension of my eyelids contracting and closing in on each other firmly. The flash backs start intensifying like a fiery lightening, one after the other, image after image, thought after thought. The private trade room... The sick paedophiles, the champagne, the red button, the money, the stage. Then I turn 360 and I’m flipped back to Kimmy. I can still see detail of every crystal beading hanging from her restless body. The haunting image of the robe uncovering her innocent face and slipping across her shoulder to revel my worst nightmare… My little girl. My heart rate begins to build, I feel the blood pulsating throughout every vessel and every vain in my body. I feel it continuing to brew and thicken all the way through to my head, each beat becoming stronger and stronger in preparation for an explosion.
Within in a beat of a second I am up running to the bathroom, no loner being able to hold it in I regurgitate the tip of my feelings and emotions into the toilet bowl.
Standing up to the mirror I look at this man of shame right in the eyes. Not even recognising who this man is any more I attempt weak restless smile, as if I share pitty of whom I’m looking at. Its been so long that my face doesn’t even resemble the man that I once was, the man that I wish I could remember my self once as. Now I just feel like a quitter. Gripping the sides of the basin sink I lean further towards the mirror examining each deep line on my face, the lines that never existed before. The deep, long, tired and intertwined lines engraved to remind me what a struggle the last years have been.
“1 year” I mutter out loud in a sigh. “Fucking year.” I let out again as another drag.
I grab the half filled Jack Daniels glass on the basin suffocating the air in the room and instantly throw back half of it. Letting go of my own reflection I open the basin mirror cabinet looking for the only thing that makes any sense in my life and the escape from my deadly reality. Unscrewing a few caps I put together a cocktail of prescriptions and wash them down with the last bit of the musty Jacks. Closing the mirror cabinet I just look away refusing to make any sort of eye contact with this man again.
Back in my first initial position, this time slight more sedated I looked around at my surrounding just observing the chilling atmosphere that now consists of my life. An untouched house decaying by the day. Not even a month has passed from me being back from Europe and I feel as if I have made the wrong decision coming back. There was more I could have done I start drilling into myself. Heading straight to the phone I dial a number that is forever imprinted in my memory weather I like the idea of this or not.
Pick up, pick up, pick up, pick up I sing in my head while the phone rings.
“Lenore.. It’s me, please hear me out, don’t hang up please” I plead.
“Bryan, enough. It’s you every time. Do you not think this is hard for me too, do you not think to wonder how I’m coping, or at least trying to cope? Bryan I cant move on and start thinking logically and straight with you doing this all the time….”
I quickly cut her off and interrupt as I know I don’t have much time to buy with her. “One more chance Lenore, let me go back there I know I can get her back, I’ve got contacts and some new leads that…”
“Get her back? Get her back?! What have you been doing there for the last 11 months Bryan. This isn’t healthy anymore, you need to stop. They have the best police team in Europe looking for her, and they wont stop till they find her”
I know this woman inside and yet her stupidity and naiveness never seems to frustrate me any less, this is why we are here in the first place I’m furiously but silently thinking in my head.
“For fucks sake Lenore the police is part of this sick woman trafficking ring you really think..” Once again she overriding me and cutting me off
“Look Bryan, you have had a hell of a time this last year. It’s normal to be tired and confused, I’m on your side here.”
The patronizing tone in her voice has never gone down to nicely with me
“I’m tired Lenore, your right. But it’s because of all you not doing a goddamn thing about Kimmy. If it weren’t for Stuart and his gold field of money and liaison within the French police and government I would still be there. Lenore I’m begging you tell Stuart to just call Jean-Claude and tell him that I won’t cause...” The desperation in my voice can be sensed from a mile away now.
“You are not well, I think you should make another appointment at Dr. Smiths tomorrow Bryan. Me, Stuart and Jean-Claude all care about you and want you to get better”
“Jean-Claude doesn’t give a toss about me Lenore, he’s in on it too, why can’t you see this. If I speak to Stuart he will...” I feel as though this is my last chance before Lenore’s on the phone to Dr. Smith again.
“Goodbye, Bryan. Get some rest. We will find her Bryan you have to believe it. You’ve done the best you could leave it in the hand of experts now. We don’t want to loose you too.
I hang on the disconnected line, the beeping noise playing in my head like some sort of familiar de ja vu. I continue to sit the lost in a mind daze of thoughts, thinking about something and not even knowing what. As though I’ve been missing the crucial part to the puzzle. All of a sudden I know. I quickly stand up.
“I don’t need you Lenore” I find my self saying abruptly as I go to reach for my little black book. I dial another familiar number again.
“Its Bryan. I’m going to need you to get me that passport cash and document after all. Book me in for the flight as soon as yesterday” I say ironically. “Oh, and that translator, I’m going to need him again too…”

Rhona Final FF

Seven years she waited restlessly, seven years her heart ached miserably and for seven years the love she had for her young Noah diminished slowly. The man in whom she had not only given herself away to and also given a piece of her heart to was no longer in her reach. Her eyes no longer cried but it was through the beat of her heart which no longer skipped that this depression and heartbreak was reflected.These were the thoughts and feelings of young Allie before she fell hopelessly in love with her new profound love, young Jack.

 Although young Allie found it almost impossible to open her heart to any other man again after losing contact with her first love Noah during the war making her bitter towards him, she was surprisingly unhesitant to give her heart away to young Jack, a young man who had just returned to America as a young Painter from London. Like Noah he too was not from a wealthy background and whose social status was far from elegant.

Young Allie found comfort in her love with Jack as he was somewhat similar to her first love…Noah.

Young and vibrant, both young Allie and Jack shared something very special in common. They both grieved the loss of a piece of their fragile hearts…Jack had lost his beloved England Rose after being separated from in the Sinking ship he had managed to survive from.

As their love grew young Allie and young Jack became more than young lovers but soul mates almost destined to be together them also voyaged the world together. The happiness in which they established between one another helped ease the pain of their past love lives, the wounds that were in placed in their hearts were mended by one another. However, the more Allie fell in love with young Jack the more she realized that he reminded her of her first love, young Noah.

Jack had a sense of humor that could make her giggle endlessly just as young Noah had, the gleam in Jacks eyes reminded her that whether noon or shine their love would never die out which made it harder for young Allie to forget about young Noah even more because she always felt that their souls were connected. 

Unfortunately the perfect traits of young Jack that reminded young Allie of Noah caused her to be even bitterer towards young Noah because he had broken her delicate heart.  

Young Allie and young Jack made each other feel complete, they loved to love. Painting, reading, singing and making love passionately to one another made life seem like a blissful song with no end. As the years progressed, Allie felt the hurt fade and her heart become fonder of young Jack, exploring the world side by side and discovering something new about one another each day. Their love never grew old.


“Excuse me madam, can you please tell me where the men’s room is on this ship?” Young Allie turned around and gasped holding her mouth gob smacked “This is impossible…I must be dreaming. Noah?.”
“Yes siree sure am, just who might be asking?”
Young Allie removed her hat and exclaimed angrily “You prick! What are you doing here?” Young Noah was astonished “Allie! Is that really you? I don’t know what to say”. Young Noah tried to embrace young Allie, but sadly Allie refused to respond happily to young Noah. “C’mon Allie, why are you being like this? This is the happiest day of my life! I’ve been searching for you for more than seven years I lost contact with you because I was abandoned out in the Vietnam rainforest during battle so all my belongings were lost including the notebook with your contact details, I searched every state in America looking for you, I bumped into your mom in the first year and she told me you had moved overseas. So for the past 10 years I’ve travelled all four corners of the world in search of you, my darling Allie.”

As young Noah stood admiring young Allie and her beauty waiting anxiously for her response, young Allie not only felt time had stood still at that moment but her heart beat began to skip she was unsure of how to process it all, she was unsure of whether or not she was to be furious at her deceiving mother or to be mad at the universe and how she was supposed to feel about Noah.

But before young Allie could say anything young Jack intervened the awkward conversation excitedly yelling “Honey, c’mon lunch is about to be served so I’ll go save us a table and you can invite your new friend if you want, see you in the lunch bar”. “Alright, be there in a sec” young Allie replied happily. “Ummm in case you’re wondering, his name is Jack, and I love him very much and we’ve been travelling together for a while now. Good to see you I have to go now Noah”, but before young Allie could storm off angrily young Noah held her hand and said with all the strength and confidence in the world “He seems like a good guy…and…well…how can I put it…I’m glad to see you’re happy Allie…and err…I guess my search for you after many years is now over…I’ll be off to my room now…At that moment young Noah walked sadly to his cabin room, while young Allie’s eyes filled with tears of confusion watched him, the man she thought she once loved and had forgotten about was slowly beginning to fall in love with again.

That night as young Allie lay in bed and watch her beloved young Jack sleep soundly next to her she found herself unable to comprehend why her life had turned out the way it did. While at the same time young Noah laid in his bed sadden that his dearest love had found a new piece to her heart, he had travelled far and wide across the globe in search of her, his other half.

So he went for a stroll out on deck for fresh air and gazed upon the sky, as he gazed a shooting star went by and so he wished “ I wish for love that will awaken the soul and make me reach for more, a love that can plant fire in my heart and bring peace to my mind”.

Noah then smiled as he had accepted the fact that although his long journey of love had ended he felt a sense of comfort knowing his young Allie had found someone new to love her faithfully and wholeheartedly so he was to let go and move on. As he turned to return to his cabin he found young Allie standing in front of him, and she whispered in his ear “my daddy said, that the first time you fall in love, it changes you forever and no matter how hard you try, that feeling just never goes away” Noah smiled and said “my dearest Allie I know because you said it the first time we kissed” tears began to roll down Allies apple red cheeks, Noah held her and wiped her tears and whispered “before you go on, I want to say I’m sorry I wasn’t there and that things have come to an end, we must let go” Young Allie shook her head vigorously with tears “No Noah! Why did you have to come back! Now I’m caught in the middle between you my first love and another wonderful man, Jack who’s just as loving! Noah I hate that I still love you! I can’t and I will not let you go!”

Noah held young Allie as if he’d never hold her again, with all the strength he had within him he held in his tears and whispered “My dearest Allie, letting go does not leave emotions of resentment, jealousy, regret nor giving in or giving up It certainly isn’t about failure or defeat but letting go is to treasure memories and to overcome and have the courage to accept change and have the strength to keep moving forward to whatever life will take us”.

Allie slowly wiped her tears and laughed “Thank you Noah, I always knew you had a soft spot in there somewhere, I’m sorry things turned out this way. But despite our circumstances I’ll always love you.”

And so young walked away from the man she once loved and resented for the last time. Noah smiled, but just when he thought things were settled he saw a beautiful red haired woman at the tip of the ship, almost about to commit suicide by jumping off so he ran and stopped her. As the young woman wept in Noah’s arms he gazed into her hazel eyes and felt a sense of care for the beautiful woman she was pleasing to the eye he thought and said “Darling your far too beautiful to go to waste “I’m Noah” the young woman smiled and replied “Thank you Noah for saving my life it is a pleasure to meet you. I’m England Rose.”